IN-PERSON Sessions

I don’t believe you are here by chance,
but rather because you feel ready
for true healing and transformation.
Possibly a long awaited one.
So from my heart to your heart, welcome.
It is so nice to have you here.


IN-PERSON healing session.

A beautiful session based around energy healing and vibrational remedies that allow you to begin a deep and profound journey of self.

Compromised of
• 21 days worth of Mineral Healing Remedies
• Intuitive and Healing Guidance Notes
• Reiki Body Healing, Geometric
Healing & Acupressure

Beneficial for
• Relationship Issues
• Anxiety / Stress / Panic Attacks
• Fear
• Feeling lost / Disconnected
• Feeling stuck / Unmotivated
• Career re-direction / Purpose
• Sleep Issues / Insomnia
• Depression / Grief
• Confidence / Self-Worth
• Communication Issues
• Physical Aches / Pains

The first half of our session is compromised of a consultation, which Fiona will have prepared prior, focusing on your presenting issue. She will delve into how your remedies will assist your healing journey over the next 21 days and guidance beneath the healing process for you.

The second half of your session will involve a deep, restorative body healing, uniquely tailored to you.

You’ll be relaxed, fully clothed with an eye pillow on, covered in warm blankets whilst Fiona carries out the healing for you in order to rebalance, shift stagnancy and bring calm to your mind and body.

She works with healing techniques that allow your body to begin its innate healing process.

This is a deep session works on three direct healing pathways which in turn form a singular strong outcome.

Clients only need to revisit once a month to progress along their journey.

Initial / First Time Session:
Allow for 1.5 - 2 hours$210

Follow Up Session:
1 hour & 15 minutes • $185

Session cost includes remedies, channelled guidance and self care notes to take home.

You may click here to review testimonials on the shifts others have achieved whilst working with Fiona.

Click here if you would like more information on this session.

Click here if you would like to understand how healing works.

CHRYSALIS session.

This is a beautiful, deep 2.5 hour journey combined of everything Fiona offers at Earthsoulsky.

Together, you and Fiona will begin by unfolding your unique healing journey and what has brought you to Earthsoulsky today. She will be discussing your 3 intuitively channelled Mineral Healing Remedies which will be programmed specifically for you, how they tie into what you’re currently experiencing and how they will assist you in healing.

From here, Fiona will embark on a deep and detailed Tarot and Intuitive Reading which will tie into the three remedies you’ve received. This will create not only awareness around your life but assist you with moving through current challenges and obstacles with the assistance of the remedies to shift underlying issues and further the shifts required with your body healing.

Lastly, Fiona will go into a deep and nurturing body healing for you. You’ll be relaxed, fully clothed with an eye pillow on, warm blankets and gentle music playing whilst journeying inwards as Fiona carries out a deep, nurturing body healing to rebalance, shift stagnancy and bring calm to areas to your mind and body.

These are incredibly beautiful, deep and powerful sessions. Clients have experienced a range shifts which you can read about by clicking here.

Allow 2.5 hours

Cost $380

*Cost is inclusive of all personalised crystalline healing remedies, intuitively channelled guidance and self care notes to take home.

Please contact Fiona directly to book this session at


Tarot + Psychic Reading.

Spiritual Guidance Sessions allow Fiona to Psychically and Intuitively relay what is happening for you at deeper levels in life through a detailed Tarot and Oracle card reading whilst utilising her naturally gifted Clairvoyant ability throughout the reading.

These sessions provide clarification and guidance for any areas you are struggling with enabling you to feel empowered and gain awareness with the messages you receive.

Allow for 1 hour

Cost $180

In-person session (online is also available, please select when booking).