home & workspace clearings


balanced, aligned & clear.

How your space should feel.

Yet sometimes, we have periods where our home, space or workplace feels anything but this…

Whether you’ve moved into a new home or business and need the energy cleared from previous occupants or if a particular energy is felt within the house or business that hasn’t seemed right, such as a presence or if there has been a lot of stress / grief / arguing in the space, it is important to have the energy in your home restored and cleared to its natural state.

The clearings are done so the existing energy doesn’t interfere with your life or impact your business, so a clear boundary between the external world and your sanctuary is refreshed and renewed.


Fiona works with her own set of unique tools which create a special and unique grid to the space, in order to set defined energetic boundaries and clear the existing energy. She spends time in each area of your space, ensuring each room has had the attention it requires to restore peace and a state of ‘clear’.

Clearings are only done during the day.

If you’d like to book a Home or Space Clearing for your home or business, please email: fiona@earthsoulsky.com

Clearing Cost:

• $200: Homes / Businesses within 20km radius of Melb CBD

• $230: Homes / Businesses further than 20km, less than 35km of Melb CBD


Areti contacted Fiona for a home clearing. The back story was that Areti and her Husband continually heard footsteps in the corridor of their Edwardian period Home at night. Initially, she thought it was the neighbouring house but after numerous nights of interrupted sleep with the footsteps, her Husband Andreas agreed it wasn’t next-door and the loud ‘heavy boot’ footsteps were coming from within the house’s corridor for around 3 months each night.

With the house safe and secure, they couldn’t understand what was happening. Their youngest son of 4 years old would wander into their bedroom at night saying there was a ‘man’ in the room, that he was scared and wanted to sleep in their bed.

Areti got in touch with Fiona and the clearing was done.

Fiona received this message the next day from Areti, finally some relief for the family after 3 months…

Maria contacted Fiona for a Home Clearing.

Maria was asleep at night and was woken up by heavy breathing in her room, hovering over face. She sat up and felt very uncomfortable by the sound, she said it felt like a “heavy energy and it’s breathing was filled with anger” she woke her husband up, who sat in silence in the dark and he could also hear this in the bedroom. The couple had no pets and lived alone, the noise was inside the room. Putting it down to a once-off situation, they ignored it and fell back asleep. This happened for 3 nights in a row until they asked Fiona to come to the house and do a clearing. The couple said they usually didn’t believe in these sorts of things, but felt extremely “creeped out” by what had happened.

The next morning, Maria messaged Fiona to let her know they had slept well, no strange sounds and the energy felt different in the house, calmer and less dense.