
FIONA marie miras.

Welcome to a very special place.

A place I created from my heart in order to allow people to come back into themselves.

Firstly, I don’t apply a book to you.
I apply you to you.

I apply what your body is telling me,
what your words are telling me and
what your energy is telling me.

This is healing.

Secondly, it is important to know that only you have the capability of making the changes you want to cultivate within your life. My doors are open to all of you but ultimately it will be up to you to take that initial step into the work I offer, a path of true change; to allow yourself to attempt something different and something quite special.

Although a huge aspect of my work comes from an energy-based/spiritual stand point, I take a grounded and practical approach with the modalities that have I worked with over the years which are listed below in my qualifications.

I am a naturally born Psychic Medium which has allowed me to navigate Tarot and Oracle Readings at deeper levels, assisting my clients with insights along their journey here. This enables me to tap in at Psychic level and assess what may be happening for you, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This provides insights not visible to the naked eye and allows me to assist tailoring the session and healing pathway specifically for you.

What comes from this is empowering you in understanding what is occurring at a deeper level and thus creating conscious awareness around areas of your life which can begin allowing you to move through the presenting issue with the support of my work here.

Through this, profound changes may occur. As I have continually witnessed over the years here at Earthsoulsky, my beautiful client’s have continually blown me away with what we have achieved through sessions. It goes to show that if one is willing, one is ready.

I know those who enter Earthsoulsky are here because they are ready to embark on a beautiful journey of deep self-transformation.

Fiona’s Background & Journey

Growing up I had suffered from extreme phobias and also had my own set of hurdles to contend with. Ranging from debilitating anxiety, harrowing panic attacks, bouts of deep grief and pent up emotional anguish. I also struggled with my weight from over indulging in food to satisfy emotional pain.

My relationship with myself was one filled with anger, hatred and fear. My relationships suffered as a result of this, constantly reflecting aspects of myself I had not healed. It wasn’t until the cycle reached breaking point and luckily enough the 17 year old girl back then was quite determined to assist herself grow - and it turned into a role that has now defined not only my career - but my way of life.

After working with many different forms of therapy and none really helping to any avail; I began looking into body centred approaches. I discovered therapies that allow an integration of mind, body and spirit (energy) - a wholistic approach - an approach of the whole body, being the physical body, emotional body, psychological and energetic bodies - thus encompassing healing and change on every layer.

I soon noticed with the therapies I began working with, that huge changes had begun - most within a short period of time. These exact therapies are what I have woven into my sessions today.

One of my biggest revelations during this process of healing was that these 'dark/painful’ parts of myself were calling out for attention. This emotional turmoil I had neglected needed loving attention, to be released in a safe, therapeutic way in order to shift what I was holding onto. To understand more about how healing works, you can click here.

To say I am deeply passionate in assisting others, would be a vast understatement. I am driven from my heart to make a difference to each person that walks through Earthsoulsky - given they are willing and ready to assist themselves as well. Here, we work together. I am not above you, I am not below you - here, we are equal and I am here to assist everyone lead the life they know they truly deserve and desire.

Sometimes in order for life to change, we must be willing to embark on a new and different way of healing and therapy.

Earthsoulsky was created for this.
It was created for you and you
are so very welcome here.

Welcome home.


Double Diploma in Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine
College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney

Certificate Reiki One
Tibetan Usui Method of Natural Healing
Sacred Keys, Melbourne

Certificate Reiki Two
Tibetan Usui Method of Natural Healing
Martine Salerno Reiki Centre, Melbourne

Liquid Crystals Practitioner Level One (completed twice)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Liquid Crystals Practitioner Advanced (completed twice)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Liquid Crystals Practitioner Shadow / Ego Work
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Tarot / Psychic Development Course 1 Year
Oracle Wisdom, Melbourne

Mediumship & Spiritualism Course
Victorian Spiritualists Union, Melbourne

The Natural Earth Institute - Mentoring / Learning 2021 - Current
Continual Development as a Liquid Crystals Practitioner under the guidance of Justin Moikeha Asar Owner of The Liquid Crystals. Daily Activations and self development compromised of Theory and Practical.
Victoria, Australia



Workshops / Seminars

Body Psychotherapy (Radix) - 2 day intensive
George Gintilas Elwood Centre for Wellbeing, Melbourne

Hakomi - Family Systems (3 day intensive)
Hakomi Institute of  Australia

Radix Body Psychotherapy (3 day intensive)
Radix Training Institute of Australia

Level One Practitioner (completed twice)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Practitioner Masterclass (6 day intensive)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Practitioner Advanced (4 day intensive)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Working with Shadow/Ego (3 day intensive)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Client centred work & Liquid Crystals (2 day intensive)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Subconscious Mind (1 day intensive)
The Liquid Crystals, Australia

Hay House Seminar (3 day intensive)
Hay House Australia

Vispassana Silent Meditation Retreat (4 day intensive)
Odiyana Centre, Australia

Somatic / Rebirthing Breathwork
Zeroum Law, Summer Healing, Australia

Mindful Meditation Classes 10 weeks
Body awareness / felt sense technique

George Gintilas Elwood Centre for Wellbeing, Melbourne

Mediumship Circle 7 Weeks
Gruyere Spiritual Circle, Gruyere, Victoria

Psychic Development Level 1
Mystic Dragon, Melbourne

Psychic Development Level 2
Mystic Dragon, Melbourne 

The Art of Loving
Nikki Rhodes, New Zealand